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Super Shot Q&A!

Super Shot Q&A!

If you've run into Team Fire Cider at a tradeshow or event, or you happen to know one of us personally, then you'll know that we've been talking and dreaming about having a travel size version of Fire Cider for quite some time. Well, after almost a year of planning it's finally happened! Our 1 oz Super Shots are available and you all seem you be loving them <3

Let's answer some of the questions that have been asked about this new size!

How big are these? A whopping 1 oz, that's twice the average daily serving. *psst - that's why we called them Super Shots

What flavors do you have? Right now just OriginalHoney-Free.

Where can I buy them? They're available through our website, but they're making their way out into the world so check with your local retailer (like Cornucopia in Northampton, MA or  Healthy Way in Ogdensburg NY).

Can I buy just one? At a local retailer, you'll be able to, for sure! If you're buying online, you'll be buying a 12 pack of Super Shots.

Why are they packaged in plastic? This was a point that we went back and forth on when deciding on how to package a travel size. Here are some of the reasons that led us to choose this packaging.

1) There's less plastic per packet then there would be in a cap for a similar-sized glass or plastic bottle

2) They're easier to package together than bottles, we can fit more in a smaller box! - this is important when considering that we have over 4,000 locations in the US alone that could carry these

3) They weigh less per unit which means less fuel burned to move them around

In the end, our little flexi-packs have a smaller carbon footprint than the other options.

How do I use these? ANYWAY YOU WANT! that's what's so great about this size. You can literally put one in your pocket and take it wherever you're going. 

Here at Fire Cider HQ we all have a few stashed at our desks or work areas. Some folks take them straight, just like a traditional Fire Cider shot. Some folks add it to their afternoon tea, and some of us like to take one with a fresh juice shot to start the day!

This week we had some lemons, oranges, ginger, garlic and carrots - doesn't that make a beautifully colored juice?! So, take your Fire Cider and chase it with a juice shot or mix them together. Either way, it's a delicious way to perk up your day, wherever you are.

Fire Cider, Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic, ACV, Super Shots

Fire Cider, Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic, ACV, Super Shots


Fire Cider, Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic, ACV, Super Shots

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