Medicinal Use / Drinks

Cool Drinks for Hot Summer Days

Drinking vinegar for its myriad health benefits goes back to ancient Greece, no wait, even further, to 5000 BCE when Babylonians were using date palms to make vinegar.  Warriors throughout history have used vinegar mixed with water for strength and energy. Vinegar drinks and vinegar tonics infused with herbs, roots, flowers, you name it, have been around for many centuries.  In New England farmers have been making a drink called 'switchel' to keep them hydrated and ward off heat stroke during the long, hot summer days: "They drank a quenching beverage that functioned much like modern Gatorade: switchel, also called switzel or haymaker’s punch. It contained water, a sweetener—either molasses, maple syrup, honey or brown sugar—ginger, and cider vinegar. All the ingredients (except water) happen to be sources of potassium—an electrolyte. Molasses is especially high in potassium." Read the rest of this article HERE! Apple Cider Vinegar is an incredibly medicinal food since it contains several different beneficial acids plus beta-carotene, amino acid, bone building minerals, enzymes, magnesium, potassium, pectin and tannins.  No wonder humans have been using this super food since we figured out how to preserve apples in the form of vinegar! Here are my three favorite vinegar drinks, aka, switchels, to help keep you cool and healthy this summer: Dana's Pomegranate Switchel

Ingredients to make one cup of Switchel concentrate:

  • ¼ cup of Fire Cider
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh ginger juice
  • 3 Tablespoons pomegranate molasses
  • 1 Tablespoon raw honey

Shake well to combine all ingredients.

Serve about 2-4 ounces of concentrate over ice, top with soda water to make a pint.

Store leftover Switchel mix in the refrigerator.

Citrus Switchel

Makes 2 servings-

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or Fire Cider
  • juice from 1/2 a grapefruit
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons, or more to taste, raw, local wildflower honey
  • Soda water or plain water
  • 2 lime wedges
Combine the first 3 ingredients and makes sure to dissolve al the honey.  Fill two pint glasses with ice and split the switchel mix between the glasses.  Top with soda water and garnish with a lime wedge. Dr. Earl Mindell's Switchel- from his book 'Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar' which is also where I got some of the information for this blog post.  Makes 2 servings- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or Fire Cider 1 1/2 tablespoons black strap molasses 2 cups warmed water (to melt the molasses) Combine and pour over ice.
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Fire and Fog

Here's a fizzy sweet-tart,  non-alcoholic cider cocktail sent to us by  Alissa Anderson, owner of in San Francisco where she offers an array of body care products, accessories, supplements, cool waxed canvas bags and Fire Cider, of course!
[caption id="attachment_563" align="aligncenter" width="538"]275 6th Ave. #101 San Francisco, CA 94118 415. 683. 5654 275 6th Ave. #101
San Francisco, CA 94118
415. 683. 5654[/caption]
Fizzy and tart kombucha combine with the spice of Fire Cider to create a delicious, energizing drink without the effects of caffeine or alcohol. Great first thing in the morning or sipping on late at night. Feel free to add tasty spirits like dark aged rum or bourbon!
1/2 shot of Fire Cider
I shot apple cider (from your local farmers market)
2 shots homemade kombucha or try Katalyst Kombucha!
To serve up:
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with 3 ice cubes, thoroughly shake, and strain into a chilled martini glass with a thin lemon slice garnish.
Or, just pour ingredients into a small glass, add 2-3 ice cubes, and stir.
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Eating From The Ground Up!

One of the coolest bloggers in the Berkshires has done a great write up on Fire Cider, including a new version of the Hot Toddy recipe and a contest where you can win a Fire Cider Gift Box!  It's as easy as leaving a comment on her post and you are entered to win!  Here the beginning of Alana's post, click the link to read the rest on her blog: "Oh, Fire Cider. Where to begin? Let’s start in the Fall of 2011. My friend, Gina, asked me to be a judge at Hancock Shaker Village’s Harvest Festivalfarmers’ market, which basically involved wandering through the shortbread and local honey, trying to take myself very seriously. Sadie helped, trailing along after, whispering about this and that product over my shoulder, peering at my scribbled notes. I found Amy, Dana and Brian at their little card table, sandwiched on either side by the cloth-wrapped soaps and homemade jams and jellies one usually finds at such a market. I was drawn right to the table for so many reasons–that there were three people under 40 I did not recognize (laugh if you will, but anyone who’s grown up in a small town will understand) and they had this relaxed and glow-y rockstar effect going for them. They were surrounded by little bottles with the most amazing label, and yes, yes, I’m a sucker for a good label. And in the air around their stall, I could pick up notes of ginger, and lemon, and… was that horseradish? Whatever it was, it all came together to create a sort of tractor beam that pulled me in. I was transfixed. Continue reading →
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Fire Soder!

Or,  call it Fire Pop!  I think it depends on what part of the country you're from.  Lately, it's been so cold, you know, the Polar Vortex?  I think that's a terrible misspelling of Global Warming!  Anyway, the extreme weather has us drinking a lot of Fire Soder! to stay hydrated and Fire Tea to stay warm.  Thanks Chef James for naming this recipe,  we can't wait to see you behind the butcher counter at Berkshire Organics! [caption id="attachment_457" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Soda water and a repel wolves dose of Fire Cider.... Soda water and a repel wolves dose of Fire Cider for Amy....[/caption] All you need... 1 pint of soda water 1 teaspoon to a full shot of Fire Cider, you know how much you need! Combine and Drink up! [caption id="attachment_458" align="aligncenter" width="538"]...Fire Soder! ...Fire Soder! kinda looks like orange soder.  The similarities end there.[/caption] You can make the same drink, only hot, using 2 mugs, 16 oz of boiling water and as much Fire Cider as you like for an immune boosting eye opener to share with whomever is coughing and sniffling near you, you're welcome!  They will probably thank you.  Perhaps add a heaping teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root or ginger tea, now you're on to something.  To your health!
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