Golden Milk - A Calming Ayurvedic Health Drink

Golden milk is new to me even though it's well known to anyone familiar with Ayurvedic Medicine.  Ayurveda, for those unfamiliar, is an ancient system of health and healing which compliments another ancient system, yoga.   Golden Milk came up when Dana was searching for ways to add more turmeric into our cooking.  A Kripalu blog post called, 10 Ways To Make Turmeric Part of Your Daily Diet provided a lot of delicious sounding suggestions. 

Golden Milk

Why add Turmeric to your diet?  Turmeric is an important ingredient in Fire Cider and it's been used for centuries as a medicinal food.  I am mostly interested in the anti-inflammatory properties I have experienced when eating large amounts, daily, usually a few tablespoons of dried turmeric mixed in warm water with honey.  Anywhere from 1 teaspoon to a few tablespoons I would consider a medicinal dose. Take more or less based on your own experimentation with a daily amount.

From the Kripalu Blog:"The qualities of turmeric, in Ayurvedic terms, are hot, light, and dry, and it has a mild bitter taste. It’s an anti-inflammatory, a blood tonic, an emmenagogue (stimulates blood flow), and a carminative (relieves gas). It promotes ovulation in women, is great for the skin, and is antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial. It’s also a blood thinner and blood detoxifier, and will aid in eliminating worms or parasites. And it’s a pain-killer that also speeds up the healing of wounds. Turmeric has been shown to help in recovery from chemotherapy; may help prevent specific types of cancer; and can ease the effects of psoriasis and arthritis."  

Skip the expensive supplements and buy dried organic turmeric in bulk to add to your food.  Did you know that turmeric is way more effective when it's simmered in a fatty liquid (think coconut milk curry) and that is way more appetizing than swallowing a bunch of capsules.  Golden Milk is a perfect way to get lots of curcumin, the active anti-inflammatory in turmeric that is best absorbed when heated with fat.  

This recipe can be made with either whole cow's milk or coconut milk.  I use canned, full fat coconut milk and some water to make mine.  The turmeric adds a lot of color but not a lot of flavor so this drink, while shockingly bright, is lightly sweet and mild, a perfect after dinner drink for your whole family.


Ginger, turmeric, nutmeg and cardamom plus a little black pepper.

Golden Milk - 2 Servings

Bring to a simmer 2 cups of whole milk or coconut milk with 1 teaspoon powdered turmeric and 1 teaspoon powdered ginger and a pinch of black pepper.

If you’re drinking it before bed, add a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom to the mixture to promote a good night’s sleep.

Let simmer for 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat, let cool for a few minutes, and add 1 tablespoon of raw honey or stevia to taste.  Makes 2 servings.

Optional: Add 2 teaspoons of ghee, good-quality coconut oil or heavy cream to each cup.

Enjoy daily!


Read the rest of the suggestions for adding turmeric into your diet on the Kripalu blog.

Find out more about Ayurveda at Kriaplu or sign up for John Douillard's Ayurveda newsletter!

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  • liberalpatriot says...

    Can this be made with almond milk?

    On December 17, 2015

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