Events / Health Coach

Pallet Garden and Hops Update

Our little pallet garden has been growing strong, we've picked a bunch of cilantro and made a few salads with all the greens.  The radishes never make it into the house, got to have something to eat while I'm picking food for a meal! [caption id="attachment_718" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Baby lettuces are delicious! Baby lettuces are delicious![/caption] Meanwhile, our garden in Richmond has turned into a Comfrey field.  And while Comfery is an amazing medicinal plant, it can not be eaten and it choked out all the rest of our plants! [caption id="attachment_719" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Dana whacking back the Comfrey, perhaps next year we'll grow vegetables?! Dana whacking back the Comfrey, perhaps next year we'll grow vegetables?![/caption] We covered the whole garden up and will see if we can get a fresh start next spring.  What our garden at Green Means Farm lacked in vegetables this year, it made up for in hops, four different varieties, although the Cascades are doing the best by far! [caption id="attachment_720" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Picking hops really makes me want to drink a beer, they smell so good! Picking hops really makes me want to drink a beer, they smell so good![/caption] Dana dried them out and has already brewed a 5 gallon batch with some of what we picked.   The brew should be ready by Friday, and we'll certainly enjoy it after our first day at the Big E!  Dana, Sean, Brian and I hope to see you there, we'll be on the Rhode Island side of the Massachusetts building all weekend!
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Fire Cider May 2014 Event Schedule

sowa opening day 2014 Our official SoWa market representative, Sean, will be sampling and selling Fire Cider at the SoWa Sunday Market in Boston every Sunday this month from 10 am to 4 pm - May 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th!  Oh, and he'll be there for the rest of the season too, though October!  Sean- you can even email him- [email protected] will take special orders for bulk, t-shirts and more, stop by anytime for a free shot of your favorite fiery health tonic! [caption id="attachment_405" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Brian getting ready for another great Sunday at New Amsterdam Market! Getting ready for another great Saturday at New Amsterdam Market![/caption] Amy and Dana will be at the first New Amsterdam Market of the season on May 31st, Saturday from 10-5pm!  We are looking forward to seeing you all there! [caption id="attachment_575" align="aligncenter" width="538"]Blue Russ Health Coach sharing the love! Blue Russ Health Coach sharing the love![/caption]

And, if you want to learn more about living the healthy life from the comfort of your home or office, check out this awesome      FREE 4 Day Women's Health Summit lead by Holistic Health Coach Blue Russ.

You will learn:
  • woman_beach_armsTechniques to reset your stress response in 1 minute.
  • How to look and feel great in your skin
  • Natural PMS relief
  • The relationship between your feet and digestion
  • Natural approaches to fertility and a healthy pregnancy
  • How to enjoy (instead of dread) menopause
  • How to create your own natural medicine cabinet
  • And much, much more!
  • Sign up HERE!
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