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Written by Dana St. Pierre
Two of my most-used books on the subject of natural healing and herbal medicine are:

1. Earl Mindell's New Herb Bible: Mindell's is shorter and more useful as a quick reference.

2. Paul Pitchford’s Healing with Whole Foods: This is more of an encyclopedic text and basic education on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which incorporates dietary and herbal treatments.

Medical Herbalism is a more in-depth book on the science and chemistry of herbal medicine.

Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV has a distinguished history in folk medicine as a general tonic. A major force behind popularizing ACV and honey as a tonic is Dr. D.C. Jarvis, who published several books about Vermont folk medicine beginning in the 1950’s. Dr Jarvis was wicked awesome.

Folk Medicine.
Dr. Earl Mindell's Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar.

Raw Honey: Honey has been used since the dawn of written history as an antibiotic and tonic. In addition to Dr. Jarvis’s books, the Braggs famously recommend raw honey and vinegar daily as an anti-aging tonic. Raw local honey is also used in herbal medicine to help treat hayfever and seasonal allergies.

Oranges: Oranges taste great, and are rich in vitamin C and bioflavinoids. I included them specifically for help with allergies, which citrus bioflavinoids are recommended for.

Lemons: Used in herbal medicine as a body cleansing agent and to treat colds and flus. I included citrus in the Fire Cider formula for their rich bioflavinoid content and lovely taste.

Onions: Used in herbal medicine as a stimulating anti-biotic, expectorant, and digestive stimulant. Garlic may get all the press in the Allium family, but don’t underestimate onions! My German grandmother treated colds and chest congestion with a hot wine and onion concoction.

Ginger: Ginger is used worldwide in herbal medicine as warming circulatory stimulant, for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, and to help with indigestion, nausea, coughs and colds. Ginger: Common Spice and Wonder Drug.

Horseradish: This pungent root has an immediate and powerful expectorant effect, and is used traditionally to warm the body, stimulate digestion, and to treat colds and flus.

Garlic: Garlic is used worldwide as a potent herbal anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent. Immune system enhancing, pathogen killing, and blood cleansing, garlic is also a necessity in any good soup. Just ask your grandma.

Turmeric: Turmeric is getting a lot of hype lately as a potent antioxidant, I included it in the formula for Fire Cider for it’s anti-inflammatory properties. It also ensures that Fire Cider will stain everything it touches an indelible golden hue, so drink carefully around fine linens.

Habanero: Spicy, awesome, and stimulating, Habanero is your new best friend. Used in herbal medicine for help breaking up mucous congestion, sluggish digestion, and combating boredom. 

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