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Maintaining Wellness Through the Holiday Season

Maintaining Wellness Through the Holiday Season

The holiday season can bring up stressors for a lot of us, and this year's circumstances add a whole new layer of stress. Through everything, it's important to take the time to care for yourself and maintain both your physical and mental wellness. To quote one of our favorite sayings, you can't pour from an empty cup!

We all know the unpleasant feeling of overindulging and not taking care of our physical health, so it's easy to prioritize exercising and eating right, though this tends to fall by the wayside during the holidays. But many of us will easily look past red flags that our mental health isn't up to par.

A lot of times, taking care of one of these things tends to help push the other in the right direction. Below are some tips we're trying out this holiday season to alleviate some stressors and make it through the season with a smile!

1 - Do only what feels safe and comfortable for you.

With the current state of the world, big family get-togethers are being scaled back for the holidays, in most households. Though it may feel lonely and strange, hunkering down and staying put might feel safest for you and your family members. Don't let anyone pressure you into going to a gathering or event that doesn't feel safe or comfortable. Though it may not feel like it now, this will all end and we can be together again safely in the future.

    2 - Maintain (most) holiday traditions.

     We've all had our holiday decorations out since late October (no? just us?), and we fully support maintaining and even extending your holiday traditions to get as much of those warm, fuzzy feelings as possible! This also extends beyond just decorating. If you traditionally have a big meal on Christmas day, don't forego cooking just because the gathering isn't happening! These traditions make us feel warm and cozy each year, so having some semblance of normalcy can lift your mood on hard days.

      3 - Take care of your physical and emotional wellbeing.

      It can be easy to lose yourself in the hustle of the holiday season, but taking care of your own wellbeing (whatever that means for you) should always comes first. Whether you like to go for a walk with your pup, soak in a nice bath after a long week, or make time for your daily Fire Cider shot, we strongly believe that self-care makes all the difference!


      How will you be taking care of yourself this holiday season (and beyond)? Let us know in the comments!



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