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Ingredient of the Month: Black Pepper

Ingredient of the Month: Black Pepper

Black pepper is the newest addition to our recipe, though it's been part of the mix for almost 2 years now!

This dried berry has been prized for over 4,000 and is the spice that drove European explorers to sail around the globe. Not only has it been used to enhance foods but it has been used as currency to pay taxes. And it can be stored almost indefinitely without its flavor or quality degrading.

Black Pepper became one of our 10 Core Ingredients to help boost the effects of the beneficial compounds in turmeric. The piperine in black pepper helps the body to more easily absorb the curcumin in turmeric.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to add a little extra black pepper to some easy summer dishes!

1. Grind black pepper into 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar and serve over 1 cup of strawberries.

2. Substitute black pepper for cinnamon in your next blueberry pie

3. Add a tsp of black pepper to Grandma's biscuit recipe for a spicy treat!

4. Make a melon and citrus caprese salad! Substitute sliced melon and citrus for tomatoes and mint for the basil, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and a healthy sprinkling of black pepper. Toss with fresh mozarella for a cool summer delight.

Black Pepper is on of the 10 Core Ingredients in Fire Cider - learn more on the Fire Cider Blog

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