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Celebrating World Health Day

Celebrating World Health Day

Today is World Health Day, and we have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for. With everything that's going on in our world today, we're all taking a closer look at our health and well-being. We've been talking a lot lately about how to keep yourself healthy, but we haven't talked about the professionals who help get us healthy.

We're among the first people to turn to holistic alternatives to keep our wellness in check, but we can't dismiss the power of Western Medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) is dedicating this year's World Health Day to recognizing these professionals for the powerful and selfless work they're all doing during this global pandemic.

Our nurses, doctors, and all other healthcare professionals work hard day in and day out, but they are on the frontlines of this pandemic and doing an incredible job. Today, and every day, take a moment to thank these professionals in your life (from a distance!). Here at Fire Cider, your health has always been our #1 priority. 

We encourage you to follow all social distancing and self-quarantining directions, and continue to put your health at the forefront of your focus. Stay healthy, and stay safe!



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